Well I had this old flat panel radius lying around just taking up room which I thought was broken, but I had given someone an old system including an old monitor from the 90's which I decided wasn't sufficient. I had decided to pull it out and take it apart to see what exactly was wrong as it would turn on and show the desktop for a brief second and then go black. I'm not much of a hardware guy, but lately I've been playing around with things salvaged from my former job. I fixed a brand new 7-in-1 Kodak printer/everything else you can imagine, which they tossed out because they thought it was broken. I also grabbed all the flat panels they were tossing out, and this radius was one of them. After doing some reading I realized this was a good sign the capacitors are dying, and the (temporary) fix didn't require any soldering. I was able to use it by simply turning the brightness down with the few seconds I had to navigate the menu with, then once I turned the monitor on again it had enough energy to stay on, at some point I may have to replace them, but I'm sure I have something lying around I can salvage some from.
Also using a higher power supply pack made it usable regardless of brightness or contrast, but switching out the compacitor will eventually need to be done I expect.
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