Exploit-DB updates

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Basic PHP Hash Cracker (Updated)

Well I've previously posted the basic hash cracker I had coded in PHP, but it seems the links had died and since I've added MySQL Database functionality I decided I would just make an updated post with both of them and their sources.

To download the original one which doesn't use a SQL DBase and works on free hosting, use this version.

To download the latest version which stores cracked hashes and hashed words in a DBase which it then utilizes when cracking hashes by trying all the plaintext words in the DBase against the hash. You can download that version here.

To setup the MySQL Database, open up your MySQL shell and issue the following sql queries. (If you need help to get started with setting up a web server / using the MySQL shell than check out this post)

~$ mysql -u root -p

mysql> create database HashCracker;

mysql> create table HashCracker.users(UID int not null auto_increment,User varchar(50),Pass varchar(42),primary key(UID));

mysql> create table HashCracker.Hashes(HID int not null auto_increment,String varchar(50),Hash varchar(32),primary key(HID));

mysql> insert into HashCracker.users(User,Pass) values('Username',sha1('Password'));
Now your MySQL DBase should be all setup and ready for use. Just extract the contents of the tar into your /var/www directory (or whatever your webroot directory is) and log in with the credentials you specified in the query above. If you have any comments feel free to leave them.

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