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Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Java MD5 parser

Well, I don't code in Java much anymore but I had encountered a task which involved isolating MD5 hash's from a rather large text file, which would have been a pain in the ass to do manually. In addition, I tried awk, grep and sed a bit. They all worked to a lesser degree, but not quite what I was looking for. So I remembered the Java IP parser I coded for parsing nmap logs and pulling the IPs, so I just altered the regex to pull MD5's instead and write them to a file rather than IPs. So because I found it rather helpful, I decided to make a quick post and link the new source and jar file.

I think sed could have actually done the job but I wasn't having any luck and this alternative was extremely easy and quick. Plus it does exactly what I needed.


java -jar md5.jar filename.txt

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