Exploit-DB updates

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Anonymous targets Monsanto

Well, it looks like Monsanto was recently in anons scope, being hit with a DDoS that was said to have lasted over 60 hours. There was also vulnerabilities found such as SQLi on their foreign sites though their focus seemed to have been on DoSing monsanto.com

As I write this, their site still remains to be down due to the Dos anon was so nice as to supply. It seems even anon realizes monsanto is a terrible corporation whose main goal is complete control of the food supply. As Henry Kissinger once said, "If you control the oil you control the country; if you control food, you control the people.

I really hope the population wakes up and gets a grip on reality, rather than this material illusion the general publics subcumb to. 

I'm glad the hacking community takes notice of Monsanto and their dirty ways, rather the cracking a tin foil hat joke while stuffing their face with genetically modified chips covered in MSG and watching television.

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